Tangsega is a village located in the center of Burkina Faso. It is surrounded with 3 smaller villages which have difficulties in getting clean water. The fact that the rain is very rare in this part of the country make people dependent on dirty water in the rivers which are 10 miles away from homes. There was a water and clinic project which was started by a local pastor to help these communities, but because of insufficient funds, the project stopped.
H2O OasisĀ built a borehole with pipes system to help provide clean water to the populations of Tangsega and the surrounding villages.
Pastor Jean Bande, while preaching the word of God in Namsiguin, identified a need to provide a borehole and a clinic to the population of this village.
H2O Oasis members conducted the water project feasibility study in West Africa, they met with Pastor Jean Bande who shared the clean water need for the communities of Namsiguin. A large percentage of Namsiguin inhabitants got sick every day because of unsanitary water they drink from unprotected and open to the sky wells.
H2O Oasis worked with the local people of Namsiguin to provide them two boreholes with solar panels to help the population get access to clean water, Namsiguin is a village in the upper south of Burkina Faso and receives much solar energy because of its location.